-Engineering design and Drawing for Civil & Structure Steel, Piping, Vessel & Tanks, Electrical & Instrumentation work etc.
-Supply & Fabrication work includes Structure Steel, Piping, Pressure Vessel, Tank, Pig Launcher and Metering Skid etc.
-Construction and Plant modification work includes Steam & Condensate Piping, Metering station, Fire water system, Mechanical work, E&I work etc.
Experiences and references projects :-
-EPC Pipeline and Piping work includes metering station
-EPC Steam and condensate piping and water tank includes civil foundation, piping, meachanical E&I work
-Construction utilities building work civil foundation, E&I work etc.
-Fabrication & Construction work includes piping, structure steel, vessel etc.
-Plant modification work e.g. modification of motor base support of compressor unit, replace cooling tower, modification piping work etc.
-LLFA® Tape is a self fusing tape that can be used to provide a high tension wrap that will create an enduring seal under extreme environmental conditions. It will insulate and seal electrical cable splices where high and low temperature stability is needed, and where moisture, weather and radiation resistance is required.
Self amalgamating tapes have been on the market for many years.
Due to its remarkable properties, it is also used to repair punctured water, air and hydraulic pipes that are subject to pressure and temperature variants.
20 กรกฎาคม 2566
ผู้ชม 1429 ครั้ง